Zapata, Alonso (28.08.1958)
Colombian Grandmaster (1994). FIDE Senior Trainer (2004). Vice World Junior Champion behind Jusupow in 1977. Champion of Colombia in 1980, 1981, 1995 (joint), 1996, 2000, and 2002. The best ever Colombian chess player.
Gold medal for the best individual result at board 1 of the Panamerican Team Championship in 1991
Best results: won or shared first in Cienfuegos 1980, Tunja 1983, Bayamo 1984, Bogota 1984, Caracas 1985, Amsterdam II 1986, Biel II 1988, Cali 1990, Bayamo 1990, Recife Zonal and Bogota 1991, Guarapuava 1994, Linares (MEX) 1992, Merida 1993, Havana Capablanca Memorial 1994, Bogota and Mar del Plata 1996, Santos 2001, Medellin 2002, Juegos Nacionales ABS 2008, Mayaguez Open 2012.
He lost a match to Guillermo Garcia 4½-2½ in 1992.
Best ELO: 2580 in 1993.