The top 5 best scorers of the Olympiad are: 1. M. Tal (8 Olympiads, 101 games) +65=32-2 or 81,2%; 2. A. Karpov (6 Olympiads, 68 games) +43=23-2 or 80.1%; 3. T. Petrosian (10 Olympiads, 132 games), +70=50-1 or 79.8%; 4. Isaac Kashdan (5 Olympiads, 49 games), +52, =22, -5 or 79,8%; 5. V. Smyslov (9 Olympiads, 113…
Max Euwe was not yet a World Champion in 1920 but he was already known to be a talented player despite this little accident against his countryman Gerard Oskam.
Vienna 1873 tournament was the last tournament where a pawn could be promoted to a piece which had already been captured.
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"I believe that every world champion has a greatness of his own."
- Kiril Georgiev"He has weaknesses, as everyone does, but far fewer than those around him."
- Veselin Topalov"I personally believe that Karpov should have been more generous with Kirsan Ilyumzhinov. Kirsan is the only president in the history of FIDE, and maybe in the history of all international federations, who has contributed dozens of million dollars for the sport he loves. By the way, some of these millions went directly to Anatoly’s pocket…"
- George Makropoulos"Never felt more like singin’ the blues, cos I never thought that I’d ever lose…"
- Vladimir Kramnik 2017"The game of chess is turning out to be much richer than we knew-you can’t reduce it to the simple rules"
Karel Peter Traxler (1866-15-05-1936), a Czech composer, player, and a Catholic priest. Karel Traxler was famous for the Traxler Counterattack opening.
Valentin Marin y Llovet (1872 – 07-12-1936), a Spanish chess composer and player.
William Ewart Napier (1881-05.09.1952), a strong American player born in England.
František Matoušek (1879-21-02-1956), a Czech chess composer.
Lev Ilich Loshinsky (1913-19.02.1976), an outstanding Soviet composer and Grandmaster for chess composition.
Mikhail Nasarovitch Marandyuk(17-01-1949) Ukrainian composer and Grandmaster for chess composition who is a multiple World Champion in chess composition in direct mate sections (threemovers, moremovers).
Lothar Vogt (1952), a German Grandmaster who was Champion of GDR in 1977 and 1977.
Ignatius Leong (1956), Singapore player, International Arbiter, FIDE Officer, and the president of Singapore Chess Federation for many years.
Maya Chiburdanidze (1961), Georgian Grandmaster and Women Grandmaster, the sixth Women World Champion,
Sergey Galdunts (1965), an Armenian Grandmaster.
Sebastian Bogner (1991), a Swiss Grandmaster born in Germany who was few German Youth Championships.
Arseny Alavkin (1969 ), a Russian Grandmaster.
Giuseppe Brogi (02-05-1900-1976), an Italian chess composer.
Fischer Robert (09.03.1943-2008) an American Grandmaster who became the eleventh World Chess Champion. Fischer died from renal failure in Reykjavík. For many, he is considered as the best player in the chess history.
1562 France recognizes the Huguenots by the Edict of Saint-Germain.
1595 Henry IV of France declares war on Spain.
1811 Mexican War of Independence: In the Battle of Calderón Bridge, a heavily outnumbered Spanish force of 6,000 troops defeats nearly 100,000 Mexican revolutionaries.
1827 Duke of Wellington appointed British supreme commander.
1852 The United Kingdom recognizes the independence of the Boer colonies of the Transvaal.
1895 Félix Faure installed as president of France.
1913 Raymond Poincaré is elected President of France.
1920 Paul Deschanel elected president of France.
1929 Popeye the Sailor Man, a cartoon character created by E. C. Segar, first appears in the Thimble Theatre comic strip.
1938 Supreme Soviet elects Michail Kalinin as presidium chairman.
1941 Kuomintang forces under orders from Chiang Kai-shek open fire at communist forces, resuming the Chinese Civil War after World War II.
1945 World War II: Soviet forces capture the almost completely destroyed Polish city of Warsaw.
1945 The Nazis begin the evacuation of the Auschwitz concentration camp as Soviet forces close in.
1945 Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg is taken into Soviet custody while in Hungary; he is never publicly seen again.
1946 The UN Security Council holds its first session.
1961 Former Congolese Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba is murdered in circumstances suggesting the support and complicity of the governments of Belgium and the United States.
1973 New Philippine constitution names Marcos president for life.
1981 President of the Philippines Ferdinand Marcos lifts martial law eight years and five months after declaring it.
1991 Harald V becomes King of Norway on the death of his father, Olav V.
1991 Operation Desert Storm begins against Saddam Hussein
1998 Lewinsky scandal: Matt Drudge breaks the story of the Bill Clinton–Monica Lewinsky affair on his Drudge Report website.