Van Wely Loek (07.10.1972)
Dutch Grandmaster (1993).
Best Dutch player for a decade when he won seven national titles.
Talented successor of Max Euwe and Jan Timman. After an early start at the age of 4, he won the Dutch ch. U13, was second in the Dutch ch. U20; third in the World Ch. U16. Awarded the IM at 18 and the IGM title at 20.
Best results: winner the Berlin Open in 1991, World Open in 1994, New York Open in 1996, Polanica Zdroj in 1999, Foxwoods Open in 2006. Chicago Open 2010, Berkeley 2010.
He drew three matches with Jeroen Piket 4-4 (1997), Jan Timman 5-5 (1998) and Rebel Computer in 2002.
A professional since 1992, he became a member of the national team since then and a participant in all the Olympiads and European Championships (except 2007) where he collected two gold medals. A good team player, he won eight Dutch titles (the last one in 2005) and one European title.
A player with a good fighting spirit, he is also well known as a good sportsman with some good skills in football and tennis.
He was second of Vladimir Kramnik in Mexico in 2007.
Best ELO: 2714 in 2001.