Rosselli Del Turco Srefano (27.07.1877 – 18.08.1947)
Italian chess player who received the title of Marquis. National Master since 1900, he was one of the strongest players of Italy between 1900 and 1930. Chess journalist and one of the founders of the magazine Italia Schaccistica between 1911 and 1943. He played mostly in the Italian tournaments and was the third in Venice in 1901 and in Florence in 1905, and second in Milan in 1906, Rome in 1911 and Bologna in 1913. Became the Italian Champion for five years in 1923 having won from Davide Marotti by 8½-4½. Winner in Genoa in 1920, Milan in 1922 and 1937, Livorno in 1926, Napoli in 1927 and 1936, 2nd a Nice 1932 and 1st at Firenze 1941. He was also sixteenth in the stronger Baden-Baden of 1925. In a match, he lost in 1924 to Esteban Canal (+1 =2 -1). A participant in the Olympiads of 1924, 1927, 1928, 1931 and 1931. Apparently he started playing chess somewhat late, but possessed considerable talent and managed to score interesting results like several draws against Alexander Alekhine, also vs Dr. Milan Vidmar and Dr.Max Euwe, Richard Reti and Akiba Rubinstein. He defeated twice Dr. Siegbert Tarrasch, Ernst Gruenfeld, Edgard Colle.