Paoli Enrico (13.01.1908 – 17.12.2005)

Paoli-EnricoItalian International Master, International Arbiter (1964), organizer of the Reggio Emilia and a schoolteacher by profession.

Paoli was Italian Champion in 1951, 1957 and 1968 and played for Italy in the Olympiads of 1954, 1970, 1972 and 1976.

His best international result was first at Vienna 1950-51 as a result of which he obtained the title of international master. He was also first at Imperia 1959 and equal first at Reggio Emilia 1968-69 with Ciocaltea, Mista and Radulov.

An endgame study composer, Paoli has also written much on the game, his chief work being Strategia e tattica sulla scacchiera (Venice, 1953 and 1967).