Bulgarian International Master (1960) who moved to Seattle in the late 1980s. Chess coach and journalist. A doctor. Twenty-two times he participated in the Bulgarian championships. In 1951 he shared first-third places, 1953 –first-second, first in 1965 and first-second in 1966 but won the title after a playoff.
Best results: Warsaw 1960, 3rd; Warsaw 1961, 2nd; Sombor 1966, 1st-2nd; Albena 1975, 1st-2nd; Oregon Open (USA) 1981 and 1983, 1st and World Open 1983, 1st.
A participant in the Olympiads between 1954 and 1966.
The author ofMastering Tactical Ideas, Sicilian Defence: The Last Decade, Take My Rook (with Seirawan), Akiba Rubinstein: The Later Years (with Donaldson), Dutch Defense: New And Forgotten Ideas (with Donaldson, 2003), Practical Guide to Rook Endgames (2004).