Lazard Frédéric (20.02.1883 – 18.11.1948)
French player, author and composer. Champion of Paris in 1911 and vice champion of France in 1926.
He was the winner of one of the shortest games of chess (which was fiercely denied by the loser) against his countryman Gibaud in Paris in 1924 (1.d4 Nf6, 2.Nd2 e5, 3. dxe5 Ng4 4. h3? Ne3 0-1).
A participant in the first Tournament of Nations of 1924 in Paris. His brother Gustave (1876-1948) was also a known problemist.
Author of “Mes problemes et etudes d’ échecs” (1929) (game BCM 55/186) and “Pour Apprendre A Jouer Aux Echecs” (1965).