Kipping Cyril Henry (10.10.1891 – 17.02.1964)

Kipping-Cyril-HenryEnglish chess composer, International Master 1959 and International Arbiter in Chess Compositions. Kipping was one of the founders and president of the International Problem Board 1939-1965.

In earlier days he was for many years Problem Editor of a publication called “The Chess Amateur” which went out of existence in 1930. Thereafter he became General Editor of “The Problemist”, the organ of the British Chess Problem society, in 1932 continuing with that work until his death. In addition, from 1935 to 1958 he was Problem Editor of the well-known magazine, “Chess”. He always took the greatest interest in his problem solvers, and gave particular encouragement and help to budding problem composers. It is estimated that he himself composed over 7000 problems of all types and was probably the most prolific composer of all time. ,

He was also the Headmaster of the school in Wensberry, where chess was taught as a school subject.