For the second game, the players repeated the opening a Sicilian defence, played in their 45th game of the first match. Kasparov was the first to use his home-preparation with 13…Bd7 then a complex and sharp position raised on the board. After a couple of tactical moves Karpov was a piece up but Black had still a lot of ‘counter-play’. After two weak 26th and 27th moves, Karpov was suddenly in trouble and with two passed pawns Kasparov was on the winning side. Karpov wasn’t sure if he could survive after the adjournment. However things went well for when Kasparov didn’t choose the best variation and both players agreed to draw after 64 moves.
Game 3
Game 3
Queen’s Gambit
The third game concluded after a quick draw in 20 moves.
Game 4
Game 4
Queen’s Gambit
Karpov came with full energy for the 4th game and played one of…his best game. With a small advantage after the opening, (Kasparov willing not to repeat his lost of the 27th game of the previous match by improving with a surprising 8…Na6) and with a lot of maneuvers, Karpov targeted immediately the weak pawns of Kasparov and went to reach the adjournment with a crucial attack. With the Black King without defense and White threatening to win material, Kasparov resigned after 63 moves. A beautiful master game.