Jobava Baadur (26.11.1983)
Georgian Grandmaster (2000). Georgian Champion 2003, 2007 and 2012. European Rapid Chess Champion in 2011. European vice-champion in 2010.
A member of the Georgian team since 2000. At the 2004 and 2016 Olympiads, he was rewarded with a gold medal for the best performance and board result at board four and board one.
Best results: World U18 2000, 2nd; Dubai Open 2003, 1th; Samba Cup 2005, 1th and Aeroflot Open 2006, 1th, Tbilisi Cup 2009, 1th, Bosna Open 2011, Lake Sevan 2011, 1th; Crepi Memorial (ITA) 2011, 1th; Tata Steel B 2014, 2nd; Bronstein Memorial at Minsk 2014 1th; Vlissingen Open 2015, 1th.
A participant in the World Chess Championship in 2004 and in the World Cups since 2005.
Jobava has worked for some time with Veselin Topalov.
Peak rating: 2734 in 2012.