Is an attack upon two pieces in a line and is similar to a pin (26…Rxd3!)
Quotes of the Day
As a rule, pawn endings have a forced character, and they can be worked out conclusively.
Mark Dvoretsky
Chess is a game by its form, an art by its content and a science by the difficulty of gaining mastery in it. Chess can convey as much happiness as a good book or work of music can. However, it is necessary to learn to play well and only afterwards will one experience real delight.
Tigran Petrosian
Chess is a foolish expedient for making idle people believe they are doing something very clever, when their are only wasting their time.
Bernard Shaw
In order to become a grandmaster class player whose understanding of chess is superior to the thousands of ordinary players, you have to develop within yourself a large number of qualities, the qualities of an artistic creator, a calculating practitioner, a cold calm competitor.
Alexander Kotov
Karpov Lost, Kasparov Lost, the Only One Who Remained Is Me.
Silvio Danailov 2014