The position of any piece, especially that of the king, where a player’s opponent encounters little opposition in making threatening contacts.
Quotes of the Day
I believe motivation is one of the most important things one has to have after playing for many years. Chess is a very complete, well thought-out game, which is why people have been playing it since ancient times.
Judith Polgar
I don’t believe that Garry likes making decisions by democratic procedures. When there is a decision that he doesn’t like, he just turns against this organization.
Georgios Makropoulos 2013
I think the players in this world championship are in different leagues. Karjakin is excellent—Carlsen is special.
Garry Kasparov 2016
When I play well, I don’t win!
Maxime Vachier Lagrave 2017
When I see the Berlin defence, I am almost happy that I am not longer a top player!
Nigel Short 2016