A chess problem in which black is forced by white to mate the white king. Was called sui-mate.
Quotes of the Day
After losing a game I play the next one better. After losing the 2nd game I play like a lion. After 3 defeats in a row, anyone can beat me!
Eduard Gufeld
Some players lose ability to think independently and rely on computers completely.
Lajos Portisch 2012
Chess is a foolish expedient for making idle people believe they are doing something very clever, when their are only wasting their time.
Bernard Shaw
After an upsetting defeat the best psychology for the next game is a placid draw
Dr. Vidmar
I believe motivation is one of the most important things one has to have after playing for many years. Chess is a very complete, well thought-out game, which is why people have been playing it since ancient times.
Judith Polgar