A monthly magazine published by the Royal Dutch Chess Federation and distributed free to all members. It was founded in 1893 under the name of Tijdschrift van de Nederlandschen Schaakbond and changed to the present name in 1935.
Quotes of the Day
Carlsen simply plays chess well. It seems to me that in such cases people are inclined to look for some supernatural explanation, although the simplest explanation is also the most appropriate: the guy simply plays chess well.
Alexander Grischuk 2014
I detest the endgame. A well-played game should be practically decided in the middle-game!
David Janowski
You only task in the opening is to reach a playable middle game.
Lajos Portisch
I never make mistakes in chess, I only have hallucinations!
Vlastimil Hort 1987
My style is based on giving energy and creating. Karpov’s style is something that is probably taking energy from his opponent. NIC 1989
Garry Kasparov 1989 NIC