A move very calculated which may give up material in order to create a winning chance or a positional advantage. This action could also be used to create some psychological impact like in zeitnot with the idea to destabilise the opponent. Among sacrifices, may be mentioned the positional sacrifice, the mating sacrifice, etc.
Quotes of the Day
” Chess is a sport. A violent sport.”
Marcel Duchamp
” (about Lasker) For me, this personality, notwithstanding his fundamentally optimistic attitude, had a tragic note. The enormous mental resilience, without which no chess player can exist, was so much taken up by chess that he could never free his mind of this game, even when he was occupied by philosophical and humanitarian questions.”
Albert Einstein
Chess is my hobby. I have been playing chess since five years old. I like to play chess, to help chess, sponsoring chess, and attract my business friends to chess in order to develop and popularize chess. Everybody has a hobby. My hobby is chess, boxing and Buddhism.
Kirsan Ilyumzhinov 2010
I can’t tell the difference between 100 zillion positions and 497 zillion positions, but if it helped Deep Blue play stronger, so be it. I was looking forward to Deep Blue boldly going where no man had gone before. 1997″
Vishy Anand
Do you realize, Fischer almost never has any bad pieces? He exchanges them, and the bad pieces remain with his opponents.
Yury Balashov