A chess problem and form of self-mate where black is obliged to mate. White is obliged to mate Black is White makes the wrong continuation.
T.R. Dawson pioneered many themes in the reflexmate. This problem is an early example showing avoidance of White mate. The key is 1.Ke5, and if Black does nothing, White continues 2.Ke4 3.Kf3 and 4.Se2, forcing 4…g1Q mate. Note that 3.Qe5? for 4.Se2 g1Q fails because after 3…Kd8! White must mate with 4.Qb8. Black defends by 1…b5 2.Ke4 Rb6, and now the intended 3.Kf3? fails to 3…Rb8!, forcing 4.Qd7. However 2…Rb6 eliminates the potential queen mate at b8, and White can safely continue 3.Qe5 for 4.Se2 g1Q.