” Oh, those exclamation points! How they erode the innocent soul of the amateur, removing all hope of allowing him to examine another player’s ideas critically!”
Tigran Petrosian
Carlsen: “I ran out of steam towards the end but fortunately I played better than he did”
Magnus Carlsen 2017
Parapsychology? That’s a bunch of bananas. Korchnoi believes in that. He is still playing his game with the ghost of Geza Maroczy.
Nathan Divinsky 2004
Botvinnik and Tal are among the best; I also like Spassky, but I think Petrosian is better than all of them. His weakness is too many draws, even against players he could beat easily. Maybe he lacks self-confidence.
Robert Fischer 1960
Good players actually use their long-term memory much more than inexperienced players, who use their short-term memory. Good players try to recall patterns.
Magnus Carlsen 2016 2016