The queen is the most powerful chess piece, as she has the combined powers of a rook and a bishop.
The queen may move to any square along the file, the rank or a diagonal on which it stands.
Quotes of the Day
Not this time, Mr. Carlsen! (after winning the World Blitz Championship 2016)
Sergey Karjakin 2016
After losing a game I play the next one better. After losing the 2nd game I play like a lion. After 3 defeats in a row, anyone can beat me!
Eduard Gufeld
What’s been bothering me is not that I haven’t won tournaments, but that I haven’t played very well.
Magnus Carlsen 2017
Chess is a game by its form, an art by its content and a science by the difficulty of gaining mastery in it. Chess can convey as much happiness as a good book or work of music can. However, it is necessary to learn to play well and only afterwards will one experience real delight.
Tigran Petrosian
Of chess it has been said that life is not long enough for it, but that is the fault of life, not chess.
Irving Chernev