A term used by chess players to say that they scored more than 50%.
Quotes of the Day
I believe that every world champion has a greatness of his own.
Kiril Georgiev 2017
First-class players lose to second-class players because second-class players sometimes play a first-class game
Siegbert Tarrasch
Unfortunately this gentlemanlike behaviour among chessplayers is out of fashion. It’s my principle that you should respect your opponent as much as you respect yourself.
Lajos Portisch 1990
The winner of the game is the player who makes the next-to-last mistake.
Savielly Tartakower
Parapsychology? That’s a bunch of bananas. Korchnoi believes in that. He is still playing his game with the ghost of Geza Maroczy.
Nathan Divinsky 2004