In serious play, if a player having the move touches one of their pieces as if having the intention of moving it, then the player must move it if it can be legally moved. So long as the hand has not left the piece on a new square, the latter can be placed on any accessible square. If a player touches one of the opponent’s pieces then he or she must capture that piece if it can be captured. If none of the touched pieces can be moved or captured there is no penalty.
Quotes of the Day
Fischer was the first to send me a telegram when I was in Amsterdam after I had defected, saying ‘Congratulations on the correct move’.
Vikor Kortchnoi 1986 NIC
He has weaknesses, as everyone does, but far fewer than those around him.
Veselin Topalov 2016
” The essence of chess is thinking about what chess is.”
David Bronstein
I think that the World Champion should try to defend the quality of play more than anyone else!
Boris Spassky
Karpov Lost, Kasparov Lost, the Only One Who Remained Is Me …
Kirsan Ilyumzhinov 2014