To interpose a man between the checking piece and the attacking king.
Quotes of the Day
Now, at 51, in my life I have reach the stage between the middlegame and the endgame. But I don’t have the feeling that I am in the endgame already.
Boris Spassky 1988 NIC
Chess is a fairy tale of 1001 blunders.
Savielly Tartakower
This one hour allows me to put the problem into the background and then, when I come back, I am much more rational and less emotional about the particular problem and I can think better about it.
G. Borg 2016
As a rule, pawn endings have a forced character, and they can be worked out conclusively.
Mark Dvoretsky
16. “By all means examine the games of the great chess players, but don’t swallow them whole. Their games are valuable not for their separate moves, but for their vision of chess, their way of thinking.
Anatoly Karpov