A fairy chess piece invented by Dawson that moves like a rook except to capture a piece, it must jump over it and land on any square that was in its path.
Quotes of the Day
The competition in the men’s tournament has grown massively over the past 20 years. Chess is becoming more and more popular, and there are no weak teams in the tournament any longer.
Andrey Filatov
In the 70s Karpov was a darling of the Politburo or the political elite. So Kramnik is now. Just like the old days. But at least Karpov, unlike him, played in and won qualifying matches.
Veselin Topalov
Sport can make girls feel more stronger, more stable and you can fight in the future when you enter the society. It is a really good quality for a girl and I think sports are a good way to generate your personality which is really important.
Hou Yifan 2016
Vasiukov hadn’t won a single game against me for 59 years and then suddenly won. I can’t call it shame. Shame or no shame, it’s a pity that he won…
Viktor Korchnoi 2012
Do you realize, Fischer almost never has any bad pieces? He exchanges them, and the bad pieces remain with his opponents.
Yury Balashov