A title awarded by National Federations (see title).
Quotes of the Day
Maybe I had something of Capablanca. Why should I prepare when I have ideas?
Svetozar Gligoric 1989 NIC
When you see a good move, look for a better one
Emanuel Lasker
I personally believe that Karpov should have been more generous with Kirsan Ilyumzhinov. Kirsan is the only president in the history of FIDE, and maybe in the history of all international federations, who has contributed dozens of million dollars for the sport he loves. By the way, some of these millions went directly to Anatoly’s pocket…
George Makropoulos 2005
It’s always better to sacrifice your opponent’s men
Savielly Tartakower
I thank the Lord for not pairing me with Black against Magnus Carlsen in the first round.
Nigel Short 2017