I can’t tell the difference between 100 zillion positions and 497 zillion positions, but if it helped Deep Blue play stronger, so be it. I was looking forward to Deep Blue boldly going where no man had gone before. 1997″
Vishy Anand
Politics is a team game, here it is necessary to compromise, to take into account the views of other people. As for Garry, he is quite a contentious, totalitarian person. But in general, I’m sorry that Kasparov switched to a role that does not match the scale of his personality.
Vladimir Kramnik 2015
Tal develops all his pieces in the centre and then sacrifices them somewhere.
David Bronstein
Who was the greatest chess player? If chess is an art, Alekhine. If chess is a science, Capablanca. If chess is a struggle, Lasker.
Saviely Tartakower
” Chess is a sport. A violent sport.”
Marcel Duchamp