Title created by FIDE in 1953 and awarded annually by ICCF and approved by FIDE.
Quotes of the Day
I never make mistakes in chess, I only have hallucinations!
Vlastimil Hort 1987
To Put It Mildly, I Have Not a Bit of Respect For Topalov
Vladimir Kramnik 2015
As a rule, pawn endings have a forced character, and they can be worked out conclusively.
Mark Dvoretsky
Thank the stars that I have been banned by FIDE so it is very clear I have nothing to do with this mess…
Garry Kasparov 2015
Kramnik was the luckiest man in the history of chess. He never won a single cycle, he got all the matches that he played for political reasons.
Veselin Topalov 2014