Fairy piece invented by T. Kok. It cannot be used by either side and which moves in exact imitation of the move that are played. The imitator is represented on a diagram by a large black dot. In the following problem composed by Emmanuel Manolas, the piece on c5 is an Imitator. After each move of a white or black normal piece, the Imitator makes its move similar in direction and distance. If the Imitator finds an obstacle in its move or goes out of the board, then the move of the normal piece is illegal. Immitator Helpmate in 4 moves. 1.Kf7[Imb6] Kh7[Imb5] 2.Kf8[Imb6] Kg6[Ima5] 3.Kg8[Imb5] Sc1[Imd4] 4.Kh8[Ime4] Kh7[Imf5]# (The white King boldly attacks. The black King can not capture the wK, because the Imitator trying to make the similar move is stopped by the Pawn).