In composition a final position in which there is total economy and purity in use of the forces; every piece being involved and essential to the mate and no duplication of effort.
Quotes of the Day
Vasiukov hadn’t won a single game against me for 59 years and then suddenly won. I can’t call it shame. Shame or no shame, it’s a pity that he won…
Viktor Korchnoi 2012
The Golden Age, when machines were weak and my hair was strong!
Garry Kasparov 2017
” Oh, those exclamation points! How they erode the innocent soul of the amateur, removing all hope of allowing him to examine another player’s ideas critically!”
Tigran Petrosian
A game of chess has three phases: the opening, where you hope you stand better; the middlegame, where you think you stand better; and the ending, where you know you stand to lose.
Savielly Tartakower
I may be an old lion, but I can still bite someone’s hand off if he puts it in my mouth
Wilhelm Steinitz