A Fairy piece invented by Peter Pratt in 1803 that has two Knight-leaps in its move. It is created from a pawn that reaches the eighth rank before any pieces of its color have been captured.
Quotes of the Day
What’s been bothering me is not that I haven’t won tournaments, but that I haven’t played very well.
Magnus Carlsen 2017
Carlsen: “I ran out of steam towards the end but fortunately I played better than he did”
Magnus Carlsen 2017
In chess,honestly,nobody cares how beautiful you play,if Morphy would be 2710 today,he would not get a single invitation.
Teymur Rajabov 2017
Of chess it has been said that life is not long enough for it, but that is the fault of life, not chess.
Irving Chernev
Danailov, in his campaign, used the motto – “I know.” One or two months later he said “I am learning.” Three years after, we know that he cannot learn. He gave so many promises, he has done absolutely nothing.
Georgios Makropoulos 2013