A type of Fairy piece that must leap over a screen in order to move/capture. It moves like a Rider. Examples of hoppers are the Grasshopper, Equihopper and Locust.
Quotes of the Day
I think I like chess. That’s the main reason that I’m able to play at a reasonably high level – that I really love chess. Always have and always will (smiles). It’s the best game in the world!
Nigel Short 2016
The game of chess is turning out to be much richer than we knew-you can’t reduce it to the simple rules
Vishy Anand 2017
My style is based on giving energy and creating. Karpov’s style is something that is probably taking energy from his opponent. NIC 1989
Garry Kasparov 1989 NIC
Every chessmaster was once a beginner.
Irving Chernev
There was a moment at the beginning when the machines were a positive, but lately we’ve being passing to the other extreme. Now it seems that a move isn’t good unless the machine says so.
Veselin Topalov 2016