In chess composition, a pair of interference variations created by Walter Grimshaw (1832-1890) around 1850, in which piece X interferes with piece Y and vice versa.
Quotes of the Day
Do you realize, Fischer almost never has any bad pieces? He exchanges them, and the bad pieces remain with his opponents.
Yury Balashov
Carlsen is paying far less attention to opening theory than his rivals, he is happy to go down paths that may offer no advantage yet have the benefit of dragging opponents out of their “openings book”. Once beyond the reaches of computer-aided openings, Carlsen starts to turn the screw.
Judith Polgar FT, 2014
Of chess it has been said that life is not long enough for it, but that is the fault of life, not chess.
Irving Chernev
Whatever opinions people might have about Ilyumzhinov, I am sure that exactly those accusations by the US authorities are far-fetched. It looks more like a revenge for the 2014 FIDE elections which Kasparov lost to Ilyumzhinov by a wide margin.
Vladimir Kramnik 2016
I have often written that Karpov is like an iceberg. Well, Kasparov was the Titanic.
Alexander Roshal