A position that cannot be broken down. Typically it refers to an endgame situation where one side has what would normally be a winning material advantage, but cannot win due to the fortress.
Quotes of the Day
Unfortunately this gentlemanlike behaviour among chessplayers is out of fashion. It’s my principle that you should respect your opponent as much as you respect yourself.
Lajos Portisch 1990
Chess is beautiful enough to waste your life for.
Hans Ree
When I play well, I don’t win!
Maxime Vachier Lagrave 2017
” Chess is a sport. A violent sport.”
Marcel Duchamp
We must finish once and for all with the neutrality of chess. We must condemn once and for all the formula “chess for the sake of chess”, like the formula “art for art’s sake”. We must organize shock brigades of chess-players, and begin immediate realization of a Five-Year Plan for chess.
Nikolai Vasilyevich Krylenko