The a, b or c-file for the queen’s side or f, g, h-file for the king’s side. Also named wing.
Quotes of the Day
I believe that every world champion has a greatness of his own.
Kiril Georgiev 2017
Agon was just sold for one pound and the reputation of Ilyumzhinov’s FIDE is worth even less than that.
Garry Kasparov 2014
The duty of a World Champion is not only to play games but also to explain to the public why he is winning
Garry Kasparov NIC 1989
Looks like I’m going to raise the average age of the field and lower the average rating!
Garry Kasparov 2017
Good players actually use their long-term memory much more than inexperienced players, who use their short-term memory. Good players try to recall patterns.
Magnus Carlsen 2016 2016