To arrive at a position in which equilibrium is established. This is usually used to describe the result of an opening, when Black strives to equalize White’s opening initiative.
Quotes of the Day
The duty of a World Champion is not only to play games but also to explain to the public why he is winning
Garry Kasparov NIC 1989
There was a moment at the beginning when the machines were a positive, but lately we’ve being passing to the other extreme. Now it seems that a move isn’t good unless the machine says so.
Veselin Topalov 2016
Thank the stars that I have been banned by FIDE so it is very clear I have nothing to do with this mess…
Garry Kasparov 2015
Vugar Gashimov deserves to be immortalized!
Mahir Mamedov 2014
This one hour allows me to put the problem into the background and then, when I come back, I am much more rational and less emotional about the particular problem and I can think better about it.
G. Borg 2016