A chess problem, in which both Kings are mated, having usually two help-mate solutions. In one solution Black plays first and helps White to mate the Black King. In another solution White plays first and helps Black to mate the White King.
Quotes of the Day
I personally believe that Karpov should have been more generous with Kirsan Ilyumzhinov. Kirsan is the only president in the history of FIDE, and maybe in the history of all international federations, who has contributed dozens of million dollars for the sport he loves. By the way, some of these millions went directly to Anatoly’s pocket…
George Makropoulos 2005
First of all, I am a mother, and only then a chessplayer
Ketevan Arakhamia-Grant 2009
The winner of the game is the player who makes the next-to-last mistake.
Savielly Tartakower
Looks like I’m going to raise the average age of the field and lower the average rating!
Garry Kasparov 2017
I think I like chess. That’s the main reason that I’m able to play at a reasonably high level – that I really love chess. Always have and always will (smiles). It’s the best game in the world!
Nigel Short 2016