A cross-check is a check played in reply to a check, especially when the original check is blocked by a piece which itself either delivers check or reveals a discovered check from another piece. Cross-checks are relatively infrequent in actual play, but are popular in chess problems with Tuxen, Battery, Brede and Ellerman tasks. Since Cross checks are rare in actual play, though they do occur, and in some endgames like in Mikhail Botvinnik – Nikolay Minev, Amsterdam Olympiad, 1954. In the position shown, Black resigned because the promising looking checks 91…Qc7+, 91…Qg1+, 91…Qf2+ and 91…Qc2+ are answered by the cross-checks 92.Qc6+, 92.Qd4+, 92.Qd4+ and 92.Qc4+ respectively, forcing an exchange of queens in all cases.