At first it was game played between two teams of two or more players then more recently with the Internet technology one players against an unlimited number of players like Kasparov who played and won the Rest of the World in 2000. One record at the time was a consultation game with 10 players played in September 1921 between Alekhine, Saemish, Steiner, Tartakower and Vadja against Abonyi, Bogoljubov, Grunfeld, Kostic and Steck. The first team with white pieces won the game in 32 moves.
(below: a consultation game played in 2003 between Anatoly Karpov with Black and Vishy Anand and X)
Quotes of the Day
My chess method is without formulas, without orthodox thinking. I always explain that chess is an art and that there are no definite judgments.
Lev Polugaevsky 1990 NIC
What’s been bothering me is not that I haven’t won tournaments, but that I haven’t played very well.
Magnus Carlsen 2017
I have always a slight feeling of pity for the man who has no knowledge of Chess
Siegbert Tarrasch
” The essence of chess is thinking about what chess is.”
David Bronstein
In the 70s Karpov was a darling of the Politburo or the political elite. So Kramnik is now. Just like the old days. But at least Karpov, unlike him, played in and won qualifying matches.
Veselin Topalov