A term to refer to an advantage when the player had to sacrifice a pawn or a piece and get an attack, an initiative a better control a positional advantage.
Quotes of the Day
Unfortunately this gentlemanlike behaviour among chessplayers is out of fashion. It’s my principle that you should respect your opponent as much as you respect yourself.
Lajos Portisch 1990
It is not possible to become a great player without having learned how to analyse deeply and accurately.
Mark Dvoretsky
It is true, in chess so far that men and women cannot be on the same level from an economic situation, but there can always be a more reasonable way to combine the financial part and the players’ situation.
Hou Yifan 2016
In one game it is too difficult to play both for win and draw simultaneously.
Mihail Tal 1969
Despite the ugliness of his decline, Bobby Fischer deserves to be remembered for the great things he did for chess and for his immortal games.
Garry Kasparov 2004