Loose-leaf sheets dealing with opening and middle-game and end-games edited by Max Euwe from 1952 to 1957. In 1962 a new series was published by Kurt Rattman in Hamburg.
Quotes of the Day
16. “By all means examine the games of the great chess players, but don’t swallow them whole. Their games are valuable not for their separate moves, but for their vision of chess, their way of thinking.
Anatoly Karpov
You only task in the opening is to reach a playable middle game.
Lajos Portisch
He has weaknesses, as everyone does, but far fewer than those around him.
Veselin Topalov 2016
When you see a good move, look for a better one
Emanuel Lasker
It isn’t important what comes off the board, but what stays on!
Yasser Seirawan