BATTERY –Play THEMES (mechanisms)

Tactical ideas based on the battery-play – two one-colored pieces in one line: line discovered (queen, rook or bishop) and any (except for queen) discovering.

If an opponent’s king stands on the thematic line, then B – direct, if a king stands on the other side from the line – B – indirect.

Thematic game is based on the moves of discovering piece; its name is given to BP.

There are white, black, mixed or masked B (two or more discovering pieces), half-battery and third-battery (accordingly two and three discovered pieces of the color of discovering piece)


1st Prize “BCM”, 1935-I

Mate in 2 moves (11+13)

1. Qg3! – 2. Qf3#,

1…dxc5 2. Sb4#, 1…e5 2. Sf4#. B – direct : S+R,

1…Ke4 2. Sb2#, B – indirect : S+B,

battery function changes :

1…Rxb3 2. Se5#,

1…Sf6 2. Sc1#

mechanism of two pieces – on B. S+R two pieces influence (Rb1 and Bh8); black neutralizes one of them, and white knocks out the other on the check mate move.

If black pieces controlling white battery self-connect, we have a Manssquare mechanism.

Berger theme – one of the controlled lines from black’s pieces, having retained control, takes up the unfavorable position, and lets the discovering piece knock out both black pieces.

Moscow theme – black defenses from the threat by double check, taking up one of the thematic lines and controlling the other at the same time.

Elimination battery – due to the discovered piece leaving the thematic line;

Choice of battery – the discovered piece ambushes by preliminary moves following some discovering pieces.

BP is more various in three-mover problem, for instance, consecutive game of an opening piece at 2nd and 3rd moves, game ofhalf-battery and two-step B.

S. VORONOV 1st Prize “64”, 1969 Mate in 3 moves (11+5) 1. Bg1! (2. Rf5+ Kd6 3. Bh2#), 1…Kxb6 2. Rb2+ Sc5 3. bxc6#, 1…Bxe8 2. Rd2+ Kd6 3. Bf5#, 1…Qxe8 2. Rf6+ Kd6 3. e7#, 1…Kd4 2. Rf3+ Kc3 3. Be4#, 1…Bf3 2. Rd2+ Kd6 3. Be4#.

Two-step battery-play-The consecutive reiterated game of one B is famous in the more-mover problem, the change of the discovering piece with the same discovered piece, the interplay of two Bs, assisting each other.


1st Prize “Revista de Sah”, 1966

Mate in 5 (8+14)

1. Ra3!

1…d1=R 2. Sxg6+ Kc4 3. Se5+ Kd5 4. Sg7+ Kd4 5. Sf5#,

1…Rf8 2. Sxc7+ Kd4 3. Se6+ Kd5 4. Sd7+ Kc4 5. Sxb6#,

1…Sg3 2. Sxf4+ Kd4 3. Se6+ Kd5 4. Sg4+ Kc4 5. Se3#,

1…Sd3 2. Sxd3+ Kc4 3. Se5+ Kd5 4. Sxf4+ Kd4 5. Se2#.