An active threat against an enemy piece or position.
Minority Attack is a term used in an attack of minor pieces against a majority of minor pieces with the objective of creating a weakness in his position, as in the Queen’s Gambit Declined.
A term for an opening variation initiated by White.
Quotes of the Day
A game of chess has three phases: the opening, where you hope you stand better; the middlegame, where you think you stand better; and the ending, where you know you stand to lose.
Savielly Tartakower
When I saw MVL’s position, it is like a football match where you’re 3:0 down, with two minutes to go and you’re down to 10 men!
Lev Aronian 2016
Carlsen: “I ran out of steam towards the end but fortunately I played better than he did”
Magnus Carlsen 2017
Never felt more like singin’ the blues, cos I never thought that I’d ever lose…
Vladimir Kramnik 2017
We will note the openings used by the participants of a nine-round match. The age of openings is considerably higher than the age of both rivals. Some opening positions could be analyzed by Steinitz when he was preparing to his match with Zukertort.
Mikhail Tal 1966 (Petrosian-Spassky match)