A Swiss System pairing method starting with four groups instead of the usual two; it is designed to produce a clear winner in as few rounds as possible.
Quotes of the Day
It is not possible to become a great player without having learned how to analyse deeply and accurately.
Mark Dvoretsky
Carlsen will sooner or later become World Champion. I like him, he is a Monty Python fan, just like me.
Vishy Anand 2008
” Chess is a sport. A violent sport.”
Marcel Duchamp
Do you realize, Fischer almost never has any bad pieces? He exchanges them, and the bad pieces remain with his opponents.
Yury Balashov
You can’t look too annoyed or they’ll look for the mistake you’ve made. A lot of the time it’s about looking for these opportunities and if you give them a clue, the good players will find it.
Magnus Carlsen 2016