Fleischmann (05.10.1881 – 17.08.1930)

FleischmannHungarian Master, he has also been known as Leo Forgacs.

Fleischmann had some successes in the first decade of the twentieth century but seemed to abandon play with the advent of the First World War.  He always played in tournaments under the name of Fleischmann.  He was quite active from 1905-1913 and his first success was the first prize at the ‘B’ tournament, (Barmen) 1905 where he easily outdistanced masters such as Rudolf Spielmann and Aron Nimzowitsch.

Fleischmann’s best performance was at Nuremberg 1906 tying with Carl Schlechter, behind Frank James Marshall and Oldrich Duras but ahead of Mikhail Chigorin, Siegbert Tarrasch, and Milan Vidmar.  He took an excellent fifth place at the great tournament at Ostend 1907, being only one point behind the joint winners Ossip Bernstein and Akiba Rubinstein.
Other good results: third in San Remo in 1911 and third in Budapest in 1912 and in 1913. He refrained from taking part in any chess event after the war 1914-1918.

Few years before his death, he withdrew from chess circles…

Historical ELO: 2520.