Erlin Konrad (10.02.1856-31.12.1944) Austrian problemist, né Erlinger, pseudonym D. Nirle who published 1600 problems in three or more moves in old German style which 250 were honored. He is also a precursor of the Bohemian school. [Event "Good Companions 1st prize"] [Site "?"] [Date "1921.??.??"] [Round "?"] [White "Erlin"] [Black "mate in 3"] [Result "*"] [SetUp "1"] [FEN "5N2/2R4Q/2nn4/3k2P1/K2B1p2/p3pP2/1b2P3/8 w - - 0 1"] [PlyCount "5"] 1. Qe7 Nb7 (1... Nxe7 2. Rc5+ Kxd4 3. Ne6#) 2. Rxc6 a2 (2... Kxc6 3. Qd7#) 3. Qe4# * You must activate JavaScript to enhance chess game visualization.