Dvorkovich Vladimir Yakovlevich (30.12.1937-29.06.2005)

Dvorkovich-Vladimir-YakovleRussian International Arbiter, Executive Secretary of the Soviet Federation (1982-1984), Chairman of the board of Arbiters of the Russian Chess Federation. Statistician and journalist.

A member of Garry Kasparov’s team during few world championship matches vs. Anatoly Karpov, he developed also a new system of rating calculation, which was used for some time by the PCA.

Vladimir Dvorkovich was the father of Arkady Dvorkovich, a former Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation and Deputy Prime Minister and a former Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Russian chess federation.

The author of Справочник шахматиста (1983) and Владас Микенас (1988).