
Algemeene Veerenigde Radio Oemrop. From November 7th-27th 1938, the Dutch Broadcasting Company (AVRO) sponsored a chess tournament to be held in different Dutch cities. The world’s best 8 chess players were invited to fight with each other playing two games with every opponent. The meaning of this tournament was very important. Firstly, it was a very interesting sporting event, and second it would clarify the question of immediate future of Championship struggle.


While Reuben Fine from New York and Paul Keres from Estonia did equally well and tied for the 1st place, AVRO organizers declared Keres the official winner of the tournament, which by protocol gave him the right to challenge Alekhine for the World Championship. However Alekhine already had other plans as he was secretly negotiating with Botvinnik! The first prize was equivalent to $550.

avro table

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