Balashov Yuri Sergeyevich (12.03.1949)

Balashov 3Russian Grandmaster (1973), honored coach of the USSR (1978). Russian Senior Champion in 2011. A member of the USSR team which won the gold at Malta Olympiad in 1980.

A participant at the World Student Olympiads with gold medals in 1971, 1972 and 1974.

Best results: Champion of Moscow in 1970. A participant to 14 USSR Championships from 1969 to 1986, best results: 1970- 4th, 1976-2nd, 1979- 3-4th with Kasparov.

A participant to the Interzonal of Manila in 1976 and Rio de Janeiro 1979- 7-9th, Toluca 1985-16th. However, an illness meant that he was unable to finish the competition.

Best results: Hastings 1965/66, 66/67, 1985/86 accordingly 1-2nd, 3-5th, 3-4th: Skopje 1970-5th, Wijk aan Zee 1973 and 1982 – 2nd and 1-2nd; Tallinn 1973 –3-6th (together with David Bronstein, Paul Keres and Boris Spassky), Cienfuegos 1975-2-3rd, Halle 1976 and Karlovatce 1979-1st, Lone Pine 1977 and Munich1979 –1-4th, Sochi 1980 –2nd, Hanover 1983 and Yurmala 1985-3rd, Helsinki 1983, 1984- 4th and 1st, Minsk 1986 and Dortmund 1987- 1st, Voronezh 1987 and Malmöe 1987/88- 1-2nd.

The coach-second to Anatoly Karpov in the world championship matches of 1978, 1981 and 1984 and second to Boris Spassky in his 1992 rematch against Robert James Fischer.