January- February 

Australia. The first interesting event to note was the tournament for the Championship of the Southeast Asian and Pacific sub-zone. This was a double-round tournament which was held in Sydney and resulted in a clear victory for the Australian master, C.J.S. Purdy. He scored 7 points out of a possible 8, losing only to the Indonesian, Hutagalung, who tied with Sarapu (New Zealand) with 5 points, followed by Choo (Malaya) 2 and Lee (Singapore) 0.
One of the most interesting of all Australian Championship Tournaments was held in Adelaide in October 1960. The presence of two Soviet players Averbach and Bagirov made this event remarkable. Out of a fifteen-round Swiss Averbach scored no less than 14 points. Begirov was second with 12 and there followed, at a respectful distance, Endzelins 9.5; Koshnitsky and C.J. S. Purdy 9; Sarapu (New Zealand) and J.S. Purdy 8.5; Geus and Ozols 8; Basta, Hanks, Teters and Viner 7.5;, etc.
Bulgaria. The XVth National Championship was held in Sofia from February 5th to March 2nd, 1961. With the exception of M. Bobotsov and A. Kolarov, all the other leading Bulgarian players participated. Two players, G. Tringov and N. Padevsky were compelled through illness to retire. The final results were as follows: (1) Z. Milev 12.5; (2) N. Minev 12; (3-5) O. Nejkirch, Y. Ayanski and Iv. Radulov 10.5; etc.
Brazil. First place in the South American Zonal Tournament, which was held at Sao Paulo, was won by Julio Bolbochan (Argentine), with 13.5 out of 17. Second was Schweber (Argentine) 13, followed by Flores (Chile), German (Brazil) and Wexler (Argentine) 11.5; Reinhardt (Argentine) 11; etc.
East Germany. The East German Championship held at Premnitz, in February 1961, resulted in a surprise win by a twenty-two-year-old student from Dresden, Lothar Zinn. He scored 12.5 (out of 15), to finish ahead of (2) Grandmaster W. Uhlmann 12; (3) Madler 11; (4) Pietzsch 10; (5) Malich 9; etc.
France. An international tournament was held from January 6th to 14th, 1961 at Vence, a small town near Nice. Twenty-six players took part in a nine-round Swiss tourney. The leading scores were: (1) Ulvestad (USA) 7.5; (2) Sanz (Spain) 6.5; (3-5) Bruzzi (Italy), Nora (France), and Norcia (Italy) 6; etc.
India. The All-India Chess Federation held its first Team Championship at Madras from December 25th, 1960 to January 3rd, 1961. Bombay won the event with a score of 21.5 points, Twelve affiliated units had each sent a team and the event, for which the Government had granted Rs. 5.000, was an eight-round Swiss.
Indonesia.  In their way back from Adelaide, Averbach and Bagirov stopped off at Djakarta and took part in a two-group tournament with some of the best players of Indonesia.
In Group A, Bagirov was first with 6.5 points, followed by Nainggolan 5.5; Oey Tek Tjoan 4.5; Suprano 4; Panggabean 3.5; etc.
Group B was won by Averbach with 6 points, but he lost a game to Lim Hong Gie, who was second with 5.5, followed by Djamil Djamal 5; Sutyoso 4.5; etc.
Italy. The third international tournament at Reggio Emilia was held at the turn of the year 1960 from December 27th to January 3rd, 1961 and was won by Dely with 6.5 points. Equal second were Paoli, Perez, and Ulvestad 6; followed by Glass 5; Napolitano 4.5; etc.
Holland. The unpredictable Larsen was back in his grandmaster form at Beverwijk in 1961 where he tied for first place with Ivkov in the Premier Tournament, with 7.5 points. The East German grandmaster Uhlmann, who did manage to get a visa that time, was third with 5.5 and Olafsson was a rather disappointing fourth with 5 points.
There was a surprising result in the tournament below this, the so-called Masters’ tournament. The former Czech master Cenek Kottnauer celebrated his recent British naturalization by winning the event with 9 points out of 9.
New Zealand. The 68th National Championship, held in Auckland last January, was won by O. Sarapu – his sixth win in six attempts. He scored 10 (+9, =2) out of a possible 11, and was followed by (2) J.R. Phillips 9.5; (3) R.J. Sutton 7.5; (4-5) R.F. Cuthbert and A. Feneridis, 7; etc.
Spain. The double-round match between Spain and Switzerland held in Barcelona last February resulted in a 12-8 win for the home side. Spain thereby qualified for the final of the Second European Team Championship.
Sweden. An international jubilee tournament, in celebration of the fiftieth year of the founding of the Stockholm Chess League, was held in Stockholm from December 29th, 1960 to January 8th, 1961. The World Champion, Tal, took time off from his preparation for the return match with Botvinnik to play and score a narrow victory with 9.5 points out of 11. He, like the East Germany grandmaster Uhlmann, who came second with 9 points, went through the tournament without a loss. The other Soviet competitor, Kotov, was third with 8 points, but he was beaten by both Uhlmann and Lundin. The Finnish master, Book, did well to come fourth with 6.5.
USA. Bobby Fischer confirmed his supremacy in US chess by winning the US Championship without losing a game for the fourth time in succession. This time his superiority was even more marked as he was first with 9 points, ahead of Lombardy 7; Weinstein 6.5; Bisguier, Reshevsky and Sherwin 6; Kalme 5; Benko, Berliner, Byrne and Saidy 4.5; etc. Since this event also served as a Zonal Tournament. Fischer, Lombardy, and Weinstein qualified for the Interzonal.
USA. The US Intercollegiate Team Championship, which was held at Princeton from December 27th to 30th, 1960, was won by Columbia University, with 19 points, followed by Toronto 17.5; Harvard 14.5; Pennsylvania State 12; Boston 11.5; etc.
USSR. Kotov, always keen on uniting the arts with chess, composed a script for a film that was shot in Moscow film studio, the subject being great Russia chess-players, including Alekhine.

March – April

Ceylon.  The 1960 Ceylon Championship conducted on the Swiss System with nine double rounds attracting an entry of sixty, resulted in a win for O. Halpern, with 16.5 points, ahead of the 1960 year’s winner, B.W. Atkinson, who had 14 points, and S. Ambalavanar, with 13 points. Mrs. Hilda Naidoo, the Ceylon Lady Champion, who competed in the same tournament, obtained 10 points.
Chile.  The Chilean Championship, which was held at Santiago, was won by Letelier, with 9 points out of 12, ahead of Flores, Jiminez, Larrain and Jauregui, all of whom scored 7.5 points.
Czechoslovakia.  The 1961 National Championship, held at Kosice (February 6th to 28th, 1961) was won by L. Pachmann, with 14 points, in front of (2) M. Filip 13.5; (3) Hort 12.5; (4) Jansa 12; etc.
Hungary.  In Budapest, Hungary beat Austria 14-6.
The annual encounter between teams representing Leningrad (USSR) and Budapest took place in Budapest from April 5th to 10th, 1961. In a 4-round contest Leningrad beat Budapest resoundingly by 31.5-16.5; details of the match (Soviet names first): Korchnoi 3.5; Szabo 0.5; Spassky 3.5; Portisch 0.5; Bondarevsky 2, Barcza 2; etc.
India. The match between Manuel Aaron (India) and C.J.S. Purdy (Australia) for a place in the 1961 Interzonal which took place last at Madras, resulted in a tie a 3-0 win for Aaron, who thereby got the Interzonal Master title – the first Indian ever.
Romania. A sixteen-year-old schoolboy, by name of Gheorghiu, outstripped all the best Romanian players and won their championship with a score of 12.5 out of 16, ahead of Ciocaltea 12; Soos and I. Szabo 11.5; Pavlov 11; Mititelu and Radovici 10.5; Ghitescu 9.5, etc.
Switzerland. A small international tournament organized by the Birseck CC. (March – April, 1961) was won by the Swiss master, M. Blau with 7.5 (undefeated) in front of (2) A. Duckstein (Austria) 6.5; (3) Lehmann (West Germany) 6; etc.
Yugoslavia.  In the absence of Gligoric, Matanovic, and Ivkov, the XVIth National Championship, held at Zagreb (February-March, 1961) was won by grandmaster P. Trifunovic. This was his fifth win and a notable achievement as he was the oldest competitor. He scored 13.5 (+8, =11), finishing a point ahead of (2-4) Puc, Matulovic, and Udovic 12.5.
Venezuela. At Caracas, M. Cuellar, of Colombia, won the Central American Zonal Tournament, and with it the right to participate in the 1961 Interzonal. The former Spanish representative A. Medina was second.


Argentine. M. Najdorf won the XXIVth Mar del Plata Tournament with 12.5 (out of a possible 15 points) in front of (2-5) R. Byrne (USA), M. Filip (Czechoslovakia), A. Matanovic (Yugoslavia) and H.D. Rossetto (Argentina) 11.5; etc.
Belgium. – In a match at Bruges, Belgium defeated France by 6-4. Those well acquainted with Dunkelblum’s sparkling play were surprised to learn that he drew his game on top board against the French Champion, Bouteville.
Bulgaria. – A small international tournament at Russe in May, was won by the Hungarian Master, Honfi, with 6.5 points, ahead of Milev (Bulgaria) 6; Ciocaltea (Romania) 5.5; Flitchev and Panteleev (both Bulgaria) 5; etc.
Denmark. – The Danish Championship was won by E. Pedersen, with the score of 9 out of 11 , followed by B. Andersen 8.5; K. Blom 6.5; S. From and V. Hansen 5.5; etc.
The Danish grandmaster Larsen was not playing in this event, nor did he participate in the Copenhagen Championship which ended in a tie between Kolvig and J. Pedersen with 7 points each out of 9. The play-off for the title was won by Kolvig by 2.5-0.5.
Finland. – Once again the Finnish Championship went to Ojanen, this time quite easily with 9 points out of 11, ahead of Fred, Koskinen and Niemela 7.5, etc.
Germany. – The finals of the European Team Championship were held at Oberhausen, in West Germany, from June 21st to July 2nd, 1961. The USSR was represented by an extremely powerful team and was an easy first with 74.5 points out of 100 games. The remaining teams followed at a respectful distance: Yugoslavia 58.5; Hungary 53; Czechoslovakia 41; West Germany 37.5, and Spain 35.5.
Each team was represented by ten players with two reserves. The individual results were as follows: Botvinnik 6 (9), Tal 5.5 (9), Keres 6 (8), Petrosian 6 (8), Smyslov 8 (9), etc.
Holland. – The Dutch Championship was won, rather surprisingly, by the 22-year-old student H.L. Tan, with a score of 7.5 points of 10. There was a tie for second place between van den Berg (the only player to defeat the new Champion), Donner, and Roessel 6, followed by Langeweg and van Pol 5.5; etc.
One of the younger Dutch players, Langeweg, won an international tournament held in Amsterdam from May 25th to June 6th, 1961, with the score of 9 points, followed by Donner 8.5; J. Enevoldsen 7; R.G. Wade; etc.
The Third Junior International Team Tournament held from July 5th to 12th, 1961 at the Hague was again won by the German team with 19 points followed by Holland 18; Norway 17, Denmark 16; England 15; Switzerland 13.5; Austria 11 and Belgium 21.5.
Hungary. L. Portisch and L. Szabo tied for first place in the XVth Hungarian National Championship held in Budapest. They both scored 13.5 (out of 17).
Iceland. – Fridrick Olafsson, the Icelandic grandmaster, won the Icelandic Championship with a score of 7.5 out of 9, followed by G. Gunnarsson and I. Asmundsson 6; O. Magnusson, F. Thorbergsson and B. Thorsteinsson 5.5, etc.
Spain. – An international tournament in Madrid ended in a tie between Milic (Yugoslavia) and Robatsch (Austria) 8.5, ahead of O’Kelly (Belgium) 7.5; Pirc (Yugoslavia) 7; Saborido (Spain) 6; Serra (Spain) 5.5; etc.
Sweden. – The Stockholm Championship was won by L. Lindberg who tied with B. Soderborg for first place but gained the title on Sonneborn-Berger points.
The Swedish Championship which was played at a small town called Avesta ended in a tie between 1960’s champion, Lundin and Erik Arnlind, who scored 6.5 out of 10. Equal second were Erik Jonsson and Buckenstrom with 6 points.
Switzerland. – An international tournament at Zurich from May 27th to June 12th, 1961, proved a triumph for the two Soviet players. Keres playing beautiful chess came first with 9; and Petrosian whose only loss was to Keres, was second with 8.5. There followed Gligoric 7; Lombardy and Lothar Schmid 6.5; Larsen and Matulovic 6; etc.
Uruguay. – A tournament at Montevideo was won by the Argentine player, Rossetto, with 6.5, followed by Pelikan and Puiggros (Argentine) 6; Alvarez del Monte (Uruguay) and Kupper (Chile) 5.5; etc.
USA. – A match between North and South California was won easily by the North by 31.5-17.5, the most notable result being Kashdan’s loss on first board to the Northern player B. Stiff.
Benko again won the championship of the Manhattan Chess Club in New York City, this time with 8.5 points out of 11, losing only to Denker. Equal second were G. Kramer and H. Cohen 8, followed by Denker, Farkas and Turner 6; etc.
The other strong club championship, that of the Marshall Club, went as expected to that very promising young player Raymond Weinstein, with 10 points out of 12.
USSR. – The annual international tournament held at Moscow in June ended in a tie between Smyslov and the talented young Moscow master Vasiukov with 7.5 points each. Olafsson was a very good third with 7 points, followed by Aronin 6.5; Bisguier and Portisch 6; Bronstein, Gufeld and Pachman 5.5; etc.
Yugoslavia. – The Yugoslavs put up a fine fight in their match against the USSR that was held in Belgrade from May 10th to 20th, 1961. Counting all the results, that is, including those of three juniors and three women players, they scored 28.5 to the USSR’s 31.5.

July – August

Austria. There was a close fight for 1961 year’s Viennese Championship between Beni and Duckstein, the former eventually emerging the victor with 13 points, followed by Duckstein 12.5; Gragger 11; Galia, Luncz and Dr. Schwarzbach 10.5; etc.
An international tournament in Graz in August in 1961 was won by the Czechoslovak grandmaster Pachman, with 9 points. Darga and Pirc came next with 8 and 7 points respectively. They shared with Pachman the distinction of being unbeaten. There followed Duckstein 6.5, Robatsch 6; Prameshuber 5.5, etc.
Chile. A tournament at Santiago in July, was won by Flores, with 10.5 out of 13 points, ahead of Pilnik 10; Letelier 9; Schroder 8.5.
France. The French Champion, Boutteville, had an overwhelming success in the Paris Championship which he won with 10.5 out of 11, ahead of Feuerstein 8.5; Linais 7.5; Druon, Molnar and Nora 6; Antonoff 5; etc.
Finland. The USA failed to retain the championship title at the Student Team Championship at Helsinki in July. Their powerful team (Lombardy, Weinstein, Sherwin, Kalme and Mednis)lost by 1-3 against the even more powerful Soviet side (Stein, Bagirov, Gufeld, Hodos, and Tomson) so that the USSR came first with 39.5, followed by the USA 34.5; Czechoslovakia and East Germany 31; Bulgaria 29; Hungary 28.5; Holland 25; etc.
Germany. The Leningrad grandmaster Taimanov appeared to be on top from. He won the first prize in an international tournament at Dortmund (July 4th to 16th, 1961) in fine style. He scored 8 points and there was a tie for second place between Smyslov and Udovcic, with 7 each. There followed Bilek 6.5; Larsen 6; Pietzsch, Teschner and Trifunovic 5.5; Lange 5; Eising 4; Perez and Rellstab 3.
A number of the Soviet players gave simultaneous displays in Germany after the Oberhausen event. The World Champion Botvinnik scored 22 wins, 7 draws and 1 loss at Cologne. Geller also gave a display there, winning 23, drawing 3, and losing 4.
Poland. The Polish Championship which was played at Katowice was won by Tarnowski with 12 out of 17. Sliwa was second with 11.5 and Drozd third with 11.
Switzerland. The Swiss Championship held at Interlaken in 1961 proved a fairly comfortable victory for the promising young Keller who won the tournament with 8.5, followed by Gereben 7.5; Blau 7; Castagna 6.5; Roth 5.5; Dr. Nievergelt 5; etc.
USA. Two open championships that attracted mammoth entries and were played on the Swiss System were played here in July. The Western Open, with a record entry of 162 players was won by Robert Byrne, with 8 points, and equal second were Kujoth and Popovych, with 7.5.
USSR. – The World Team Championship was won by the USSR (Bondarevsky, Borisenko, Konstantinopolsky, Sagorovsky, Udovich and Atjascjev), with 35.5 points ahead of Hungary and Yugoslavia 32; Argentine, Germany and Sweden 28; Australia 24.5; etc.
An interesting tournament was held at Rostov-on-Don in memory of Tschigorin from May 29th to June 12th, 1961, with six Soviet players and six from abroad. Soviet players occupied the top four places: Taimanov 8; Nejmetdinov and Tarasov 7.5; Polugayevsky 6.5; etc.
Yugoslavia. The Croatian Championship Tournament was played at Zagreb in August, and won by Damjanovic, with the fine score of 11.5 out of 13. Second was Kuprejanov 9.5 and Rrabar came third with 8.5 points.

September – October

Canada. The Canadian Championship was won by Lionel Joyner from Montreal with 9 points out of 11 ahead of Vranecis who gained 8 points; Siklos and Cayford 7. Mr. Joyner lost to Macskasy his first round game and drew with Vranesic and Viatonis, and won all the rest of the games in this championship.
Czechoslovakia. The European Zonal Tournament to replace the unfortunate Berg-en-Dal Tournament, to which Uhlmann was unable to obtain access, took place at Marianske Lazne with the following result: Olafsson (Iceland) 12.5; Filip (Czechoslovakia) 12; Uhlmann (East Germany) 10.5; Johannesson (Norway) 9.5; Ghitescu (Romania) 9; Ciric (Yugoslavia) and Bobotsov (Bulgaria) 8.5; etc.
The first three qualified for Interzonal.
France. The thirty-fifth National Championship was held in Paris (August-September 1961). In the championship, 26 competitors took part in an 11-round Swiss. Dr. Mazzoni won with 9 points, ahead of (2) Rolland 8; (3-5) Conan, Ferry and Dr, Ross 7; (6-9) Cormier, Golschmann, Griesmann and Javelle 6.5; etc.
Holland. The VI Junior World Championship was held at The Hague from August 11th to September 2nd, 1961. The thirty under-twenty player were divided into four preliminary groups, the first three qualifying for the Final Tourney which resulted as follows: (1) Bruno Parma (Yugoslavia) 9; (2) F. Gheorghiu (Romania) 8.5; (3) A. Kuindzhi (USSR) 8; (4-5) H. Pfleger (West Germany) and C. Zuidema (Holland) 7; etc.
The First Classification Tourney was won by Rodney Phillips (New Zealand), with 8.5, in front of (2) O. Jakobsen (Denmark) 7; (3) U. Kuttner (East Germany) 6.5; etc.
The Second Classification Tournament grouped the five remaining players with the following results: (1) W. Schmidt (Poland) 7.5; M. Markus (Switzerland) 6; (3) C. Maalouf (Lebanon) 3; (4) R. Wostijn (Belgium) 2; etc.
Hungary. The match to resolve a tie in the Hungarian Championship between Portisch and Szabo was won convincingly by the first named with the score of 2.5-0.5.
A memorial tournament to Dr. Asztalos was held at Debrecen in July and ended in a tie between the Soviet grandmaster Boleslavsky and the Hungarian player Haag with 9.5 each, followed by Suetlin (USSR) 9; Padevsky (Bulgaria) 8.5; Pogats (Hungary) 7.5; etc.
Iceland. The Northern Championship of 1961 was held in Reykjavik and though lacking in some of the most notable names of the Scandinavian part of the world still produced a worthy champion in the shape of the highly promising young Icelander R. Johansson, who was easily first with 7.5 points. Second at a respectful distance was J. Torsteinsson (Iceland) 6, followed by Palsson (Iceland) 5.5; Ljungdahl (Sweden) and A. Nielsen (Denmark) 3.5;, etc.
Indonesia. A national tournament was held in Djakarta from July 10th to 29th, 1961, in two sections of equal strength. The details results were:
Section A. – (1) Djamil Djamal 9.5, (2) Sutyoso 8.5, (3) Hutagalung 8, etc.
Section B. – (1) A. Arovah Bachtiar 9.5, (2) Oey Beng Liang, (3) Lim Hong Gie 9. etc.
Italy. The Italian Championship went to Giustolisi, with a score of 8 out of 11, ahead of Bruzzi, Napolitano and Tamburini 7.5; Norcia and Tatai 6.5; etc.
The first prize in an international tournament at San Benedetto del Tronto was won by the Yugoslav Nicolic, with 9.5. ahead of another Yugoslav Krstev 7.5; followed by Canal (Peru), Werner Klein (Switzerland), Tomovic (Yugoslavia) and Zichichi (Italy) 7; etc.
England. In the Anglo-Dutch match played at Cheltenham on October 7th and 8th, 1961, the England team ended its disastrous run in this event by winning 13-7. A comfortable English victory had been forecast before the match.
Yugoslavia. A strong international tournament in the memory of Alekhine was held at Bled. The tournament included some of the world’s best players and it proved a fascinating struggle between the ex-World Champion, Tal, and the 18-year-old, US Champion Bobby Fischer. Finally, Tal won with 14.5 points, followed by Fischer with his 13.5 points. Then Gligoric, Keres and Petrosian scored 12.5 points each, Geller and Trifunovic scored 10.5 points; etc.

November -December

Argentine. The Argentine Championship of 1961 was won by Rossetto with 13 points out of 16, ahead of Luckis 11; Bielicki, R. Cruz and Garcia 10.5; J. Rubinstein 10; Foguelman 9; Bazan 8.5, etc.
Austria. The Soviet Grandmaster Y. Averbakh (USSR) won convincingly the Schlechter Memorial at Vienna with 9 points ahead of M. Filip (CSR) 8.
France. Alberic O’Kelly de Galway was unbeatable at the Caissa Christmas International tournament finishing with 9/10.
Germany. A four-city competition in Munich between teams of ten boards each was won by Berlin, with 19.5 (out of 30), above Munich and Vienna 16.5 each; and Zurich 7.5.
The young Master K. Darga won the West German championship with 1 1/2 point ahead of W. Unzicker.
Hungary. V. Korchnoi (USSR) overplayed his opponents at the Maroczy Memorial at Budapest by winning the tournament 2 points ahead of D. Bronstein (USSR) and Filip (CSR).
Italy. An international chess festival was held at Imperia from September 16th to 24th, 1961. Group 1 was won by the young blind Yugoslav player, Bareteik, with 6.5 out of 9, ahead of Sanz 6; Giustolisi, Heidenfeld and Nestler 5.5.
India. M. Aaron won another Indian national title.
Netherlands. The tobacco firm Peter Stuyvesant was the sponsor of the tournament at Zavenaar which was won by A. Matanovic (YUG) with 11 points ahead of O’Kelly (BEL) and Bobotsov (BUL).
In December, A. O’Kelly (BEL) won the IT of Utrecht followed by K. Robatsch (AUT).
Romania. An International Tournament at Bucharest was won by the Ukrainian player, Stein, with 9 points out of 12, who was ahead of Bilek 8,5 (HUN) and Radovici 8 (ROM).
Sweden. The veteran master Ludin won the play-off for the Swedish Championship after beating Arlind 2.5-1.5.
Switzerland. – The Coupe Suisse, the knock-out championship of Switzerland, was won for the second year in succession by Werner Klein, of Zurich, who beat the Berne master, Max Blau, in the final.
USA. – The Eastern Open Championship attracted the same number of entries – 162. Here eight rounds were played over a week-end and the title was won by Eliot Hearst, with 7, ahead of Berliner, DiCamillo, Benko, Marin, Seidman and Wagner, all of whom scored 6.5.
USSR. – The lightning championship of Moscow was won by Tal with 15.5 ahead of Vasiukov 15; Petrosian 14.5, etc.
Mr. Botvinnik on the occasion of his 50th anniversary was awarded with one of the greatest decorations of the USSR, the Order of Lenin.
Mr. Bronstein won the Moscow championship for the fourth time (his previous wins took place in 1946, 1953 and 1957) by defeating Shamkovitch in a play-off by 3,5-2,5.
The 29th Soviet Championship was held in Baku in November and December resulted in a victory for Boris Spassky, who took the lead from the very beginning of the tournament and never lost it after. Being 24 years old, he managed to gain the hardest national title in the chess world to win.
The ex-World Champion, Tal, at first made a shocking start and then was as  low as twelfth after the first 15 rounds. Then he pulled up towards the end with four very successive victories to occupy a place in the prize list after all.
Yugoslavia. The young Soviet player N. Gaprindashvili won the Women’s Interzonal at Vrnacka Banja and got the right to challenge E. Bykova for the world title.
In Belgrade, E. Vasiukov (USSR) won a field including the best player of Yugoslavia.