Russian chess patron, businessman, and chess amateur who is living between Zurich and Moscow.
Since 2012 Mr. Skortsov is the main sponsor and the organizer of the Zurich Chess Challenge and the Nutcracker Battle of the Generations in Moscow.
[Event "Zurich Chess Challenge: Gelfand-Skvortsov Match"]
[Site "Zurich SUI"]
[Date "2016.02.12"]
[EventDate "2016.02.12"]
[Round "1"]
[Result "1-0"]
[White "Boris Gelfand"]
[Black "Oleg Skvortsov"]
[ECO "A59"]
[WhiteElo "2735"]
[BlackElo "?"]
[PlyCount "91"]
1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 c5 3. d5 b5 4. cxb5 a6 5. bxa6 g6 6. Nc3 Bxa6
7. e4 Bxf1 8. Kxf1 d6 9. Nf3 Bg7 10. g3 O-O 11. Kg2 Nbd7
12. a4 Qb6 13. Qe2 c4 14. Qxc4 Ng4 15. Qe2 f5 16. Ng5 fxe4
17. Qxg4 Rxf2+ 18. Kh3 Rf5 19. Qxe4 Nc5 20. Qxe7 h6 21. Ne6
Bf6 22. Qc7 Rh5+ 23. Kg2 Qb3 24. Qxd6 Qc2+ 25. Kg1 Nb3 26. Be3
Qxb2 27. Rf1 Qxc3 28. Qb6 Be5 29. Nf4 Bxf4 30. Rxf4 Qd3
31. Qe6+ Kh8 32. Rf7 Qd1+ 33. Kf2 Qc2+ 34. Kf3 Rf5+ 35. Rxf5
gxf5 36. Qxh6+ Kg8 37. Qe6+ Kh8 38. Re1 Rxa4 39. Qe8+ Kh7
40. Re2 Qd1 41. Kf2 Ra1 42. Bc1 Qd4+ 43. Kg2 Qxd5+ 44. Kh3 Ra7
45. Qh5+ Kg7 46. Bh6+ 1-0
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