A bishop mate that was discovered by Troitzky in 1895.
Quotes of the Day
Fischer was the first to send me a telegram when I was in Amsterdam after I had defected, saying ‘Congratulations on the correct move’.
Vikor Kortchnoi 1986 NIC
Petrosian-Spassky? To think I could have watched an excellent football match instead!
Mikhail Tal 1966
In addition to talent, Magnus has the health of a racehorse and a powerful nervous system.
Vladimir Kramnik 2015
Preparation for a world championship was always an arms race, in previous times with books, then with seconds, today with computers.
Vishy Anand 2008
Chess is a game by its form, an art by its content and a science by the difficulty of gaining mastery in it. Chess can convey as much happiness as a good book or work of music can. However, it is necessary to learn to play well and only afterwards will one experience real delight.
Tigran Petrosian