An Italian word meaning time. The unit of time expressed in terms of a move. A gain of time (move) during the game in that a player has gain or loss tempi. Tarrasch called it: “the time value for a move”.
Quotes of the Day
Unfortunately this gentlemanlike behaviour among chessplayers is out of fashion. It’s my principle that you should respect your opponent as much as you respect yourself.
Lajos Portisch 1990
In the 70s Karpov was a darling of the Politburo or the political elite. So Kramnik is now. Just like the old days. But at least Karpov, unlike him, played in and won qualifying matches.
Veselin Topalov
Some twenty years ago an English journalist complained that in sports, only chess and marbles were above suspicion. One wonders what has happened in the world of marbles.
Hans Ree
Kasparov doesn’t care about chess, but only about himself and his political goals
Kirsan Ilyumzhinov 2015
Drawing general conclusions about your main weaknesses can provide a great stimulus to further growth.
Alexander Kotov